Life’s Little Dramas n°18


A sound piece written in response to a painting by Eléonore Pironneau for the exhibition Change Of Signature.

“ For a long time I have had a desire to collaborate with musicians because I find that music inspire images for me – I ‘see’ it. This has led me to study the structure of music to compare it with visual composition and I wish to further build these bridges by inviting musicians to help find the common structures between our languages so as to collaborate, create unusual work together and cross the porous boundaries between arts.
Eléonore Pironneau

“Having been involved with all sorts of musical projects in my career in France, and being at this moment Director of the French equivalent of BBC 6 in my country, it is my opinion that “Change of Signature”, by the prominent artist Eléonore Pironneau, is one of the most interesting, daring, and significant multimedia projects I have been able to contemplate these recent years.”
Patrice Blanc-Francard

 The work has been shown at:

Change of Signature at Testbed1

NOISE and whispers at GV ART Gallery
NOISE and whispers

sometimeStudio in Paris